Unbundled Legal Services

Do you need just a little bit of help processing your divorce?

That’s what unbundled, sometimes called limited scope, legal services are all about. You decide what you need assistance with, so you control the costs. This is different than full representation for litigation. For full representation, the attorney is in charge of what needs to be done, and how it is to be done. With limited scope representation, you are always in charge.

You can retain an attorney for unbundled legal services:

  • For just an hour or two of their time to obtain guidance on the decisions you are making for your divorce.

  • If you are in mediation and you want some coaching on what to ask for or how to ask for it. I can also review the mediated agreement to make sure it protects your interests.

  • If you have reached an agreement with your spouse on all the terms, but you need help with some of the documentation, such as qualified domestic relations orders, judgement entries, child support, or separation agreements.

The retainer agreement between you and Laurie will spell out specifically what Laurie will be working on.

The limited services that are needed are unique to each case. Laurie can help you figure out what is best for your situation. Contact her today to discuss how she can help you.


What is the difference between negotiation and unbundled services?

With negotiation, I am involved from the start to the end of the process.

What if Laure reviews the documents my spouse gave me, but does not agree with the terms?

Laurie will advise you as to what she thinks is fair. What you do with that information is up to you. Laurie will provide tips on how to negotiate with their spouse on some of the terms. Sometimes people will give in on items that are not important to them so they can resolve the divorce.

Will Laurie prepare just the judgment entry?


Will Laurie prepare just the Qualified Domestic Relations Order?

Yes, although it can be helpful to retain her before the judgment entry is filed with the court.

To learn more about the Litigation process or to be sent our chart of legal options,

please click Contact Us below.


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